
About a decade or so ago (shortly after PS4 and Xbox One launched) I was a Gamestop employee. My first full non training day actually. I was told to go out and clean the window and door just before closing. As I was out there a guy ran up towards me with a gun and put it to my back and walked me inside the store. Kept

That makes zero sense for their business model. They should prioritize backwards compatibility above all else.

IIRC, Beat Saber and Half-Life: Alyx weren’t on the list, so that’s a big loss to the library.

The majority of these games are really old in the VR space. Depending on the user “not enough games” is either going to mean not enough new and interesting to entice me or not enough ported over from even PSVR1 or other platforms to make it a worthy purchase.

Probably meant to say "worthwhile games."

I was thinking about getting it and than heard that it won’t have any support on PC

Same reason I wouldn’t get it, if all I can do with it is use it on the PS5 then that’s not a worthwhile purchase, there’s just not going to be enough games to play on PS5 to justify it.

Good. Because here is the thing: I would buy this Day 1 if they committed to supporting PC. I have a PS5, I like it, but I don’t foresee using the VR headset on that enough to justify the cost, but an foveated rendering, eye-tracking lightweight, high-res headset that I could also plug in for PCVR? Easy purchase at

Any lawyer worth their salt will be able to metaphorically piss on that waiver.

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

“Ms. Valentine, we were really surprised by how well your results turned out. We did more analysis - it turns out the T-virus mutated when it came into contact with a cold virus you picked up, and they ganged up on and ate a case of HPV you’ve probably had since birth. When they infected that Plagas egg, it released

I wouldn’t mind a Resident Evil where the cast is all middle-aged and just fucking over it. 

Weird thing is, I can get behind the redesigns for Leon, Claire, and Jill in the REmakes, but changing the main characters so radically in the mainline series is so weird to me.

I am obsessed with the series and its lore, not you’re not wrong.

He’s clearly had enough of people not continuing the Redfield bloodline.

Capcom’s insistence on redesigning (and recasting VA roles) with almost every other game in the series really makes it hard to get immersed in this universe, no matter how batshit crazy the story and timeline becomes.

I’m pulling my hair out with driver issues on my PC and I’m an avid reader of tech blogs, I can’t imagine your average consumer probably does not want to deal with figuring out individual components, assembly, and drivers. 

Dammit. Stupid adulthood. 

I just found this and thought I should leave it here:

Apparently, because Gen 1 Pokemon was "Badass and cool!".