"I prefer it cause it's more convenient. Plus it allows for batteries that last much longer than AAs. A built in charger (USB port) is more convenient too"
"I prefer it cause it's more convenient. Plus it allows for batteries that last much longer than AAs. A built in charger (USB port) is more convenient too"
I love how people seem to love built-in batteries for nonsensical reasons.
Just means instant gratification rather than impatient waiting.
The game freezes right before the title screen. The cause is three corrupted GPD files in your Xbox profile that monitor achievement progress.
I noticed a lot of those terms are used often by the video game community.
Extended Cut
All single player DLC was put on hold so that they could focus on the EC.
Oh, that's nice.
She even states everything that is wrong with Mr. PyramidHeadcrab:
So are you camp Edward or camp Jacob?
As the father of a five your old daughter I have watched a few episodes of My Little Pony and I will admit it is one of the better cartoons I've seen in years. There are valuable lessons to be learned in each episode, the characters are lively and unique, and the artwork and animation looks like the creators actually…
Dualshock 3
I know, right? They've been "investigating" and "discussing" it for over two months.
Af first glance I thought the picture was from Fallout...
It wasn't from any mainstream gaming news outlet.
Sounds EXTREMELY familiar (save for the locking/deleting of threads).
So why is a day one game breaking bug in Diablo III newsworthy but a day one game breaking bug in Mass Effect 3 not?