So far most admins have been just as mature too.
So far most admins have been just as mature too.
Besides, anyone can choose to go to a different bank if they don't like the one their with. You can't choose a different company to make your favorite game frachise.
People are going to be voting based on their personal experiences or general knowledge of the companies involved. I've heard of some shady acts by BoA but have had no personal involvement. EA, on the other hand, has had plenty of my patronage. I'm plenty aware of their practices and their customer support.
Voting EA all the way.
Want to know why ME3 isn't my favorite?
I'm guessing that most iPad owners aren't "techies". They know better lol
At first I was like "chrome? pfft" but then I saw the blue one and then I was like "OMG TAKE MY MONEY NOW!!!"
I've never had that problem (nor heard of it) and my controller is just about a year old now...
Most of the iPad owners I know never take them out of their homes.
It's the same in the full game. I witnessed it before getting the "black screen of death".
Have you ever looked down from the rooftops at the beginning of the game? The people that are running away were taken straight out of Doom.
What isn't with the Yu-Gi-Oh memes?
Does anyone else remember when people never complained about a non-gaming article? Me neither.
There are quite a few of us who have the right to complain about this game:
There are quite a few of us "fans" who have a right to complain about this game:
Such as Benedict Arnold.
At least you guys were able to play your game and finish it. I've haven't been able to play for about two weeks.
Double post
I love how news about the Face Import Glitch is making the rounds in the news but the Black Screen of Death is cast aside.