
No photoshops yet? Kotaku, I am disappoint.

You, sir, are a winner.

I miss the YouTube player...

I will not be swayed. Either give us white haired (non-teenage punk emo) Dante or nothing at all!

I preferred NGP myself but I still can't wait to try this thing out!

Hey it really does look like St. Louis!

I know. I was just giving Kotaku a hard time.

No love for CST lol

Oh so many tokens were lost to that machine...


Yeah I'm cancelling mine as well. I'll wait for the inevitable $30 sale in the next month or two.

I'm sure you weren't the only one who tipped this.

Looks aren't everything.

Did anybody else think Blitzball?

I'll believe it when I see it.

I can has multiplatform MGS1/2/3 HD rerelease so I can play them on my Xbox? And/or a MGS4 Xbox 360 port?

November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011