
Yes! I dont know if you saw it Raph but a few days ago at like 3am eastern time I posted a decent wall of text on oppo about taxtherich100's youtube account and how we should find out who is behind it, and it looks like youve heard my call! It wouldve been cool if they were who you thought they were but the mystery

my thoughts exactly, BANG BANG!

Im sure Farrah doesnt give a flying f*ck if he's held responsible for another pair of tires or not, Im sure he would pay for them and maybe did pay for them. Farrah destroys a lot of his own stuff Im sure so I dont understand why hes so evil for doing a burnout in a rental car. Actions do speak louder than words and

It is said persons job to do maintenance so why should Farrah feel sorry that because of him somebody has to perform a fairly simple task, which they get paid to do, because he wanted to have a little fun? And I completely disagree about what you said regarding self respect and how people treat things that dont belong

Yeah but when its a rental its not like youre directly screwing an individual over. In the words of Chris Harris, "You just cant live your life like that."

*bashes Tohru over the head with a 2x4 and drags him back to oppo*

Feather-throttle beat me to it, dammit, so Ill post a frontal picture of a real life R35 cutaway. =D

I also had few issues other than some choppiness in the interviews and that one feed drop which turned the stream into Chris Harris drag racing a porsche and a motorcycle.... that made me giggle

Yep, there were other occasions where he offered a much higher price and they took it with less back and forth too.


Im too lazy to find examples but at least 3 separate times Ive seen him help clueless people out and say "Honestly, Ill give you more than that for it" and then they go into more negotiations etc.

As far as I know, you cant please all of the people.... ever.

If it were a Hilux there wouldve been a couple Jalops inside that were quite angry to be taken away from their journey across the sea bottom.

cant please everyone


My only complaint is that Rhys didnt spin up the rears before they hit the ground. Awesome!

Even better idea! With money you could have whatever youd like in the car world really. W16 atom..... O.O

Now playing

Way to take my answer! I would have to get an Atom v8, possibly turbo. The one in the video is a 4 banger turbo.

Now playing

Dat Sound! Also, #corrections "Therefore numerous body kits, allow wheels"

cesario got owned.