
Sorry but these are awful and the ones for the new Jonathan Liebsman film does em far better.

I got to the part where you explain the 'girlfriendzoning' and my brain cells are just stabbing each other because I tried to keep reading

Good write up, I got the Xbox One version myself and was considering the PS4 version but for games with heavy amounts of gunplay i just prefer the Xbox One controller. Otherwise, I'm glad to hear the only difference is fps as this is one of those game genres where it doesn't matter to me, if this were a COd/BF4 issue,

lmfao 'Boycott'

and to add to my last comment, journalists do handwave a lot of details, this is how BF4 reviews went up and were so glowing and higher than COD reviews... then BF4 server issues, corrupt save data issues and all sorts of technical issues come to light after people have bought into the good reviews, meanwhile COD with

It's funny because for years the industry moved away from technical details that mattered, reviewers stopped talking about framerate, gameplay, controls, graphics, and all of a sudden framerate and graphics are so important... last year the big story before this was 'Story'... people forgot gameplay mattered too... I

I love all the backpedaling from everyone who went off on a tangent assuming Microsoft was behind the whole thing, throwing hissy fits, even IGN ran an update, gah I hate game industry media sometimes

so they are offering people payment for promotion... how is this sketchy? have you never worked in marketing before? come on Kotaku, you live on Sony's dollar, fuck outta here with this bullshit

I can see all those details, but screenshots don't speak to final optimization, only build optimization. For everything to be as it is, even need for speed with it's weather and particle effects, looks great in motion but it's cars are obviously not as detailed, as I said, it looks amazing but not as overly amazing as

If you knew anything about game development and optimization you'd realize that a bar is set... a lowest common denominator... the game isn't being made by an indie studio only for those with the beefiest rigs, it's being made for current gen and next gen systems as well, so they have to set a bar in order to allow

You're wrong for being so.... defensive, elitist, weird, deluded... but you're adorable for trying

Show me your proof that they are 100 percent unedited... I'll wait, cause you know, I work in the industry and I hear that all the time, and I know what goes on behind the scenes, so I'm going to taking my working knowledge over an assumption made on trust of marketing buzzwords... And if they are unedited, then my

This game has been in production since before Forza 5 began production, Forza 5 has shipped and aesthetically looks amazing, this game isn't done yet, it looks amazing too, graphically, but don't sit here and act like it's the second coming. It's just another beautiful sim racing game, there is nothing wrong with it

this is part of what makes forza 5 great, all the cars pick up dust and dirt particles and end up dirty by the end of every race. they all look better for it

People think this all the time, and i get that they think that from previous gen titles but I own Forza 5 and I see the level of detail in it, when I'm playing I don't even play in chase mode anymore cause it's distracting all the intricate detail in the cars, I stay in cockpit view which is also really well detailed

Neither of these cars look real, if you were really that familiar with 3d animation then you'd see that. They both look amazing but that's it.

i didn't say all that, i just said this screenshot in particular, I've seen screenshots from other racing games that look like this, it's not impressive, problem is they all say the shots are not edited but they almost always are, so I'm not seeing anything more impressive than I'm already used to

your problem is you're just in it to be some sort of silly elitist and not a realist. My problem is I keep thinking people like you can learn to just enjoy things