
Also, can you print your calendar or export it to PDF through Fantastical?

This looks awesome. I know this syncs with Exchange, but can someone tell me how it works when you get an incoming appointment from your Exchange inbox?

Is there somewhere else the recent apps for Chromecast are listed online for those of us without an Android device? I wasn't aware much had been released for Chromecast yet, but glad to hear it!

I've actually been using it as a task manager at work—and my productivity has increased! I use Evernote to keep a "pool" of items to work on, but then each morning I add that day's To Do's to my ToDo list. (You can see my jobs in the screen shot above.) I used to just work out of Evernote, but there wasn't much

So will Google Drive sync the way SugarSync does if I put all my files in that folder? Man, I'd save a lot each year...

Wow! Very inspiring!

Vote: HabitRPG

The Frozen sticker book at Amazon is now $6.81.

Looks like a pretty good app, but these companies need to STOP USING CARTOONS to sell your system. Users want to see screenshots and the app actually in use—not another cartoon guy with question marks over his head wondering how he's going to finally get organized. Cartoons do nothing but put the onus on us to search

This really is a trick question. It entirely depends on your personality, what stage of life you're in, what your living situation is, and what you want in a pet. I've had both during times of my life, and during those times they were each a perfect pet.

Hey! I'd like to see some of the sweet charts and bar graphs, otherwise this just sounds like Twitter. :P

I'm all over the place, but it all gets covered!

Sugarsync is the service to beat, IMO. I'd LOVE to switch completely to OneDrive, but the fact that I have to move my documents to a OneDrive folder and it's not as integrated into my existing system makes me love Sugarsync more...even though it costs more.

....And all the email marketers thumped their palms to their foreheads in unison. "Google! Stop it!"

Very interesting, especially that David Allen, the inventor of organized lists uses them, no longer being able to get by with lists alone.

Wow! Mind officially blown. I'll use this all the time.

Actually, that's exactly what I do. :)

Very cool, but this is the kind of program I want on all my devices, synced. I want it on my iPad so when I think of a grocery item, I can enter it, but then access it via my Windows phone or Android phone when I'm at the store.

I own the Tivo. Just got it to replace my series 3. It's FAST. Also love the ability to control it from anywhere via my iPad. Only thing lacking: They completely removed KidZone, so heads-up.

You may add these if they come, but I'd like to start seeing Windows phone/tablet deals listed too.