
That being said, your odds of marrying Kim Kardashian are greater than dying from Ebola.

It's okay to say 'murder' for a group of crows. It really is! This pc-mobbing stuff is for the birds!

I wish to outlaw the use of national tragedies as a platform for the smug pandering of political ideologies.

It's Khan. The blonde in the trailer is almost certainly screaming 'KHAN', although the beginning is stepped on and the end fades to disguise it.

Has anyone mentioned that the blonde girl is screaming Khan's name, not just randomly screaming. It's covered up quite a bit, but still audible.

Prince KKlkkthllk of the Aqua People examined the shiny red shell in disgust. Why would any creature pick such a flawed abnormality for a carapace? The access ports were tiny, translucent and brittle. And the bottom of the shell was adorned with thin rubber cylinders, apparently functional for transport, though

This. I agree that the opening is archaic—hell, it's almost like a pastiche of Melville. The changing styles is key to the development of the unspoken narrative, which forms into a rather brilliant and open-ended gestalt.

Two things are certain about this movie:

'Waltz will play Qohen Leth, an eccentric and reclusive computer genius...' It's a bit earlier than the snippet. RTA

Some books shouldn't be made into movies. Cloud Atlas is one of those books.

Interesting premise. I love dystopian fiction where the planet gets flipped, turned upside down

Have they checked behind Uranus?

So, in essence, the prevailing geological processes present on Mars are gradually causing the surface to resemble Seal's face.

I'm not sure how much astrophysics has changed, but the equations often used in astrophysics balance much more neatly.

I've read all this before. Somewhere.

And you can scream 'but... but... liar's paradox!' all you want. The fact is that the question does not specify that the percentage chance of being right is directly correlated to the numbers following the multiple choice answers.

If the numbers aren't important, then 25% is the answer.

I'm trademarking 'Pussy So Good It Glows'™

'Well, I saw a homeless person living in a dumpster, so I wondered if could make it nice enough for a hipster douche like myself to live there.., you know, add some granite countertops and stainless appliances.'

Stupid agrarian economies taking all our water. Kevin Costner is going to be pissed!