I'm trademarking 'Pussy So Good It Glows'™
I'm trademarking 'Pussy So Good It Glows'™
'Well, I saw a homeless person living in a dumpster, so I wondered if could make it nice enough for a hipster douche like myself to live there.., you know, add some granite countertops and stainless appliances.'
Stupid agrarian economies taking all our water. Kevin Costner is going to be pissed!
Condoms are cheaper than desalination.
Finally! I always thought that the old theory was too simple, you know the one about a tidal-locked body being affected by gravity primarily on one side, causing surface changes. This new theory satisfies my need for infinite complexity within the universe!
Sounds intriguing! I'll look it up... Thanks for the tip!
How can you tell a story like this without using dozens of telegraphed flashbacks.
In space, no one can hear you wheeze.
I didn't think it would make the list, but I have to show some love for The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon.
I'm not hating on the show... I just don't like it.
No one expects the Higgs Boson!
Elric. FTW!
Watching it, but my internet is slow today. If this thing ends up looking like pedobear, it will seriously creep me the @$% out.
Personally, I am against using a cellphone while piloting a space shuttle.
Well naturally. But not that it matters. Because physics has also proven that it is statistically impossible for a human to hit a fastball with any semblance of efficiency, corked bat or otherwise. And given that humans can't hit fastballs, the entire game of baseball is a staged work, kinda like professional…
Interesting question.
My bad. Probably heard that wrong because the idea of an Insect Zombie Apocalypse is the second most fearsome type of Zombie Apocalypse on JudasAsparagus's patented Zombie Apocalypse richter scale, falling just short of extreme horror mark set by the Zombie Squirrel Apocalypse scenario.
I am hoping this show never dies. Wow! This could quickly become one of my all time favorite shows.
Insects aren't dying. Now there is an interesting thought! Because insects breed like... insects! IN-SECT-ZACKLY they do! And the idea of an insect zombie apocalypse scares me more than any puny human zombie apocalypse, because my shotguns are ineffective on insect swarms.