
You're right, of course—the experiment's definition of expert is as poorly thought out as its methodology. I took off on a small tangent for the reason that: If soft inheritance exists in humans, understanding it will be vital in gauging how long it takes someone to master a skill. Which is kinda the point of the

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

Careful, there buddy! Child prodigies can and do exist. But any examination of a prodigy reveals that the apple didn't fall far from the tree—'gifted' people are found in the immediate family, and prodigies often come from a long line of people who have specialized in the respective talent. Which implies soft

But... to test this theory... I would be forced to stay off the interwebs for at least 90 consecutive minutes. Daily!

Such a plan carries too many risks. If martians live under the surface they would undoubtedly interpret 'asteroid terraforming' as an attack... Kinda like what happened to humanity in Starship Troopers.

So, in its youth, Jupiter was a bit of a hipster, wandering around from place to place, chucking rocks. The Jack Kerouac of the Gas Giants. That explains it.

Undoubtedly the bloggers have some nefarious porpoise in mind.

Um.... this invokes the variable speed of light theory, a theory that doesn't require dark matter. And physicists have (almost) proven that dark matter exists. Any day now, they expect to find the missing unicorn particle they have been searching for.

Great point about enemies using the network for targeting info. The air force will have to develop a shielding technology. And (of course!) they will need full blown EMP shielding. That will add a lot of weight and cost. Oh, and in case the system goes down (computers do that, from time to time), the Air Force

Zero chance for the robopallet to be cost effective.

It's financial mission: To boldly borrow from dozens of other video games.

More like The Powers of Matthew Star from... 1982? The same year that Tron came out.

I had no idea that Bas Rutten and Bob Vila co-fathered a love child.


Hot Jupiter = Silk Spectre?

I could tell you a story about a monkey found in the wild with a fifty pound nutsack, the monkeysack so big that it is in the gosh-durn world record books... true story! They were inflamed so large that his monkey friends had abandoned him, and he surely would have died if he hadn't been cared for by humans. And then

Dark Matter suffers from poor branding. Physicists aren't marketing gurus—can you imagine being in that room while they were discussing what to call this?

But it's a conclusion which could be reasonably drawn. I could draw others, and I can presume them equally valid, though I refuse to pay $5.99 for the pleasure of critiquing their approach.

So... they spend thousands of dollars determining that people with smaller vocabularies have lower standards?

Must be a slow day for science eh?