
I'm not even sure that's a woman. It looks more like Neelix from Voyager.

Disbelieve. If you have ever visited New York, you are already well aware that batshit crazy people talk to themselves, all the time!

Interesting selections all, to be certain, but aren't they all focused on the leadup to death, or what happens to us after we die, while paying scant attention to the actual biologic process of death itself? Or should I say lack of biologic processes? I digress.

Somewhere, somehow, I always KNEW that hippies were a genetic abnormality.


Well slap me silly and call me Ishmael!

I 'defeated' my big brother by convincing him that pickle juice cured pimples. I was 12 at the time.

@cletar: I admire your optimism.

Still waiting for a Cubs win.

@Azhrarn: So that begs the question... why not just have Martians terraform earth to help us solve global warming?

@jbrecken: Billy Joel wrote the Enterprise theme song? That explains why it was so ridiculously upbeat.

Now playing

Wasn't the Star Wars: Enterprise theme written by the same songsmith who crafted this little ditty for Bosom Buddies?

@DrLocrian: That may very well be true. I haven't read Wangerin since I was a young pup. Loved Watership as well.

When a publishing house has drained every possible drop of blood from an expired copyright, there is nothing left but to devour the corpse.

Oh well, easy come—easy go.

How is it that we can't even slow this crap down, yet we are cogitating terraforming Mars?

All of this has happened before.

I for one welcome our new flying, scantily-dressed heroes.