
Big deal. There wasn’t even a wrecked Volkswagen in his way.

I just wish they would stop rapping and tapping on my chamber door because im weak and weary and trying to a nap.

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

Exactly how is what he said racist...? He talks about failed states and poor transitions, combined with a socio-economic issue based on large-family size and easily inferred from said family-size, need. Takes a lot of Euro to feed 7-8 kids, vs 1-2. It isn’t racist at all. Large-family size is a pretty common

The Designated Player is the one who receives the ball when all the other players on the team have died.

Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

Speaking of not preparing: Good luck getting a hotel anywhere in Nebraska this late in the game. Most places have been booked out for more than a year. Which is fine by the people of Scottsbluff, who I’m guessing would rather not have you and your friends coming in to judge, ridicule and mock them for being boring,

He still won despite the Access Hollywood tape. Think about that.

38 year old black dude with dreads here, I drive a 2008 BMW 335i with black wheels and live in the Suburbs in NC with my white wife and 2 mixed children. Let me tell you guys, boy do I have some stories I could tell. First off let’s talk statistics here, in the last 30 days I have been pulled over 5 times and issued 5

Hi everyone. The kind folks over at FOX News and Breitbart have informed me that the race war has begun and that we should all rise up and defend ourselves from the unrelenting onslaught of liberal fascism. This is all very confusing to me because I have yet to hear any of our elected officials tell me where to sign

I’m pretty sure it’s not. Unless you’re reading an old forecast that predicted above average over and over. Is what you read on a piece of paper attached to your fridge with a magnet?

All I saw with that top pic.

More proof that hockey doesn’t work in Canada.

Now playing

Made it feel like professional wrestling?! We’d be damn lucky to have a Press Secretary who could do this

I imagine that if Peter Dinklage somehow found himself to be the WH Chief of Staff instead of Reince Priebus, he would have this to say:

This one was proven to be fake.

Now playing

This one is much better encounter, the bear chases him for a long time. (Starts at 13sec)
Also some bear running facts: A brown bear can run at a max speed of 35 mph for 2 miles.

and I just collect action figures and model kits of robots so I must be normal. my desk is currently surrounded by Gundam model kits, Transformers, and Bionicle Lego sets.