
Its his Plut-OH face!

It’s so funny how we take for granted now that we can even find a planet literally in the dark billions of miles away from us and then get a camera all the way out to it and take pictures of it from 3 million miles away.

I think if Beats wanted to increase their perceived value, they’d ditch the standard cord and partner with Monster to make them a new one. Everyone knows that Monster makes the best interconnects on the planet!

I see Stalin is here to tell us what we should and should not like

Don’t EVER compare Melissa McCarthy to Bill Murray

While I like the idea of a new ghostbusters movie, the whole all-female thing just feels dumb.

Old movie: three white guys and a black guy

New movie: three white women and a black woman

Old movie: cynical wise-cracking lead (Bill Murray)

New movie : cynical wise-cracking lead (Melissa McCarthy)

Old movie: geek guy with

Dear European,

This is a garbage article. What dream world do we live in where if we just get rid of nukes other countries will follow? If you want to write an article on why we should abandon nuclear weapons write it. Don’t use a random weapons test as a stage for your anti-nuke propaganda. I wish I had the luxury to live in a

Okay. I’m seeing a few kinds of comments here. I dislike all of them. Here we go.

Yes, let’s medicate women for a problem that men are having with them.

Maglites aren’t really flashlights so much as nightsticks that can emit light.

Maglites aren’t really flashlights so much as nightsticks that can emit light.

Anything by Fenix. Quality on par with Surefire, but way cheaper.

Anything by Fenix. Quality on par with Surefire, but way cheaper.

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or lower prices. I used to be a die hard maglite fan, but they have not kept up with modern LED technology at all. Their LED torches suck compared to the competition.

As a scoutmaster and seeing kids buy mags

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or

Eureka, Warehouse 13, Dollhouse.

What in the actual fuck was this?

Don’t worry Maddy. People are desperate to try to undermine science.