
The story I’ve always heard was that his reluctance to join the Arkansas territory was in the fact that his land would be worth much more in an actual state versus a territory. I would assume the state would also be beneficial in the way of rights & laws protecting landowners.

I was most certainly not born after Jedi, my parents took me to see it fwiw

Seriously, wtf are you talking about? See those bold words in my comment? They weren’t in original story.

Point? Just trying to be helpful and let Maddie know she missed a couple of words in her last sentence? If that can be construed as an agenda so be it.

Man-made climate change may be unwelcome, but at least it can remind us that the Earth is a work of art.

That is clearly the home of someone who owns half of Facebook

No way is anything productive coming out of someone on meth.

They're in our base killing our dudes! and We're getting ganked! Such an underappreciated game

That's gross revenue.

Some of the Chromebooks have built-in cell radios. (Mine has T-Mobile 4g)

Some of the Chromebooks have built-in cell radios. (Mine has T-Mobile 4g)

But this is the only way trickle-down works. Please continue to let the rich think it's cool to do this stuff so that us plebs that service their expensive whims can pay our mortgage.

I think we need to set aside the term "prepper". Sure, prepper is better than survivalist but it still has a negative connotation due to black helicopter crowd that has made themselves known over the last decade. I associate a prepper with someone who has an irrational fear of an event with a low probability of

Your post war references about Germany and Japan are very true but 9/11 is what I'm referencing in my other comment. So many politicians used that for personal gain or political posturing it was embarrassing.

Goodness, strawmen? You think politician's hearts would suddenly grow 3 sizes larger in the aftermath and I don't based solely on their reprehensible actions in the past under similar (obviously not in magnitude but in mode) circumstances. No strawmen, just opposing views.

First off, he didn't reference politicians only the party. I would be willing to venture there aren't a lot of registered Democrats holed up in a bunker with their bug out bag and 10,000 rounds of ammo just waiting for that to happen.

If you chose a career in the coal industry would you root for solar and wind?

The fact remains that, yes, (all) politicians would find a way to exploit this tragedy for their own personal gain. To believe otherwise is laughable.
Now am I saying that John McCain would be on QVC hawking ground zero memorabilia? No, but there would be exploitation everywhere. Book deals, runs for the White House,

Sssh damn it. *waves hand slowly* These are not the targets you are looking for