
In some circumstances southern California will do.

They have yet to resolve the biggest problem, the silly luxury price premium.

So I assume this is still in such good shape because a KMART finally just took it down last year?

Now imagine if this had happened when the Wii U launched. It's so perfect but they're doing it after they've already nailed the coffin shut


Because the pirates did it in a self-contained environment away from everything else. If Blizzard did it, they’d need it integrated into their account system, their launcher/CDN service, the website, forums, update schedules, spin off the team to service it, customer support, marketing, community management...

This is Kickstarter, and John Romero’s about to make you his pitch.

Sounds too familiar...

“Archaeologists working at the Pocklington burial site in Yorkshire have discovered the 2,500-year-old skeletal remains of a warrior king who was buried alongside his sword...”

Found this beauty at a goodwill a few months ago, sealed for $5

Nah, he adopted the name when he joined them.

You know that this very page includes Flash content?

Yeah, there’s already a data destroying hard drive. it’s called a “Seagate”.

Hoping for Dino Riders myself.

Hey, did NPR cover it yesterday?

“Captain America as an NES Game” So, this then? (It was actually quite fun too)

Well yes. If I’d paid $99 to get windows 8, it would have cost me $99 more than just staying on Win 7 and waiting for the free update to Win10.

Win7 —-> Win8 —-> Win10 = $99

A cursory Google search showed me how terrible and sad this really is. I applaud this respectful article. This is how adults write about someone’s passing.

My personal best stands at 35 years, 3 months, 4 days. And counting.

9a. Thou shalt not have a "Press Start to Continue" splash screen before thine menu. It serveth no purpose, and doth only make thine game seem like a port performed with no effort. Taketh some pride in thine work and enact it correctly.