this! LOL
this! LOL
damm it!!!! why isnt this on pc?!!!! :(
yeah i am also against abortion and featus eat... wait what???
My feelings exactly! wth????? I mean they are righ outfront dissing pc gamers! no dead space ignition or extraction addon and now no dead space severed!!
@Darius_Roberti: My thoughts exactly, men we get no love!
why oh why isnt this coming to pc??????????????????????
@H.A.L.: you sir... are right!
@xxJORDISxx: The Seal of the President of the United States... nuff said!
hahaha that video made me laugh real hard! then i got this flashbacks as how sucky the films are... and now i get it they are not adaptations they are a parody of the franchise!!!!! :(
@Heckle: no it wasnt, to me it was only logical.
@TheLegend84: and this is the harsh cold truth!
@Shenta: "Everything or nothing: sucked" No it didn't, great production values, entertaining story, solid gameplay. Well received critically and financially.
@KarmaKamikaze: drugs
wow! i gotta admit that looked impressive!from the look of shooting and combat system, it seems to be the new everything or nothing only better!
@Shenta: n64 goldeneye and ps2 everything or nothing would like to have a word with you.
@Anthony Nguyen: a blood diamond! with leo dicaprio and honsou and... oh wait!
@diabadass: well its not supposed to anyways, this is a new chapter.
as awesome as Castlevania LoS is, i gotta say that this TGS was I bit of a disappointment.
@Alaa: LOL yeah i know in some ways it has become a different game and i would love to see a return to form in the way of keeping the over the shoulder gameplay but bringing back the horror puzzle solving elements.
@PurpleSteve: yeah thats kinda what i get too.