
Not wrong about St. Patrick’s day, though.

On a scale from “old toilet used as a flower planter” to “my dad is also my grandpa”, this is a “found hiding under a kiddie pool on an episode of Cops”.

More like “motherfucking-wannabe-’I-watched-a-Law-and-Order-marathon’-internet-lawyer.”

This has to be brilliant trolling, because its unbelievable someone could be this stupid.

We’ve covered Mayweather’s domestic violence issues in great detail and will continue doing so. There’s absolutely no conflict between doing that and writing about him as a boxer or historical figure. (I’m guessing, by the way, that a lot of these angry commenters down here haven’t even bothered reading the article,

babe i got a dictionary and i think it’s safe to say we’re still gonna disagree

Can we focus on the police violence against these kids, actually?

Lets not lump Megyn Kelly in the not a major asshole/bigot group with Smith. She fits in just fine at Fox

Damn, Whitlock got put in a vacant.

you seem fun

“When I see Jameis Winston, I see JaMarcus Russell”=”When I see [black quarterback], I see [other black quarterback]”

Probably because even if a judge ruled in his favor, he wouldn’t get a lot of money out of a college student. Columbia, however, is another matter entirely.

Completely inappropriate and unprofessional

better solution tho: replace every single one with a woman.

Really, Goop? LIMES? WTF are you going to do with limes? This looks like enough food for about 2-3 meals tops. This must be how she stays so skinny.

Hey, what's the creepiest quote you could imagine from a man accused of rape?