
Because it was validated by a MAN calling him out, shitty as it is. Generally speaking, men believe other men; men won't believe a woman.

My favorite Carlos Boozer story:

His name may not be the worst, but certainly one of the laziest.


How about a guy in a yellow suit named the Whizzer?

Matter-Eater Lad

Adam X the X-Treme

Expensive. Not hard.

Whine and cry about diversity? LOL. Sometimes, it's easy to forget the type of people of who read Io9. I bet you threw a hissy fit when Samuel L. Jackson became the face of Nick Fury and when Heimdall was played by a black person.

"Nearly half (45 percent) of white millennials, for instance, believe that discrimination against whites is now as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities while only 34 percent of non-white millennials agree."

oh sure put the black guys show online and not TV.

Russell Westbrook's shot numbers are going to look like they come from a video game.

Oooh, are you making whinetinis? Can I have one?

Plug for a former teacher's graphic novel series dedicated to this exact subject:

that's just not how the legal system works. you have to establish damages.

So basically, don't actually read what was written and consider it and give it more than 60 seconds thought, because it'll be wrong.

"Cramblett and Zinkon are planning on moving to a different, more diverse area to try and protect their daughter from intolerance and racism."

Yes, it would. This is very clearly medical malpractice, and like I said in the OP, I think she probably needs the money to get her daughter to a healthier environment. But suing on the theory that she never would have had her daughter if she had known in utero that she was going to be black is disgusting, and the

Separating the racial aspect from this, if you were given the wrong sperm, wouldn't you be upset?