
Even the French judge would be...

Well anyone could do if it were CGI. I mean that I think Christopher Nolan could actually pull off this stunt the good ol’ fashioned way. No CGI. All real.

Poor Optimus Prime.

What version will Win 7 Ultimate users get?

“It was my daddy’s birthday a couple days ago I’m just real emotional, man.”

I’m waiting for my sad panda sponsorship.

I like that it took three times for him to realize that he should put it IN the bowl, not delicately balance it on top of it.

If they ship it like that it will probably arrive like this.


No, but here’s this...

Dammit, there goes my day

I tried this on my street car this morning. I'm waiting for the flatbed as we speak. I guess a 1/4" bit. was too big. Damn it!

is it really really bad that I like that movie?

Watched the entire video. Must. Buy. Deck. Of. Cards.