
you can watch it through the YouTube app on ps4. Nice clickbait though, you and the kotaku gang are unrivalled in that regard

United Artists

They probably think this is a documentary.

Comcast will be there between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

I don't believe in killing a large group of brainwashed people because of one asshole.

Just needs a reboot.

Am I the only one who thinks they are all watching cat videos on youtube in the main photo?

Yes. I'm sure you're right.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Please don't shoot me, I don't know where the Muffin Man is!! PLEASE!!

Now playing

Isn't this just like the Pixar for adults things? Extremely similar concepts.

Magical girls who fight an ancient evil.

but can the Xbone take on a Game Cube?

The Xbox One is like Vlad the Impaler.

Data is fine. Fix the battery life.

Yup! It's what I did with my kid's WiiU before I gave it to him for his birthday. Unwrapped it, connected it, configured it, updated it, profiled him on it, re-wrapped it.