
My body is not so ready....

When Apple becoming yandere???? They tried to killing thier own apps.


Am I drunk, or am I seen weird shitty video..... I drank a coupe of beers...

Me nether.

This one?

This never get too old....

and only $199.

Spend too much time on

Hard nipple or what?

No fucking way to buy $80 iDongle for new MacBook!

Nope, you not only one. I like thick, soft and chewy bacon....


Worst than Anime beam ray censored.

I can read it, it says GTX670.

Umm, no.

Muscle man vs chubby man..

is it just me, or is this notebook monitor looks odd? I means my 24in LCD is wider 16:9 than this notebook monitor.

is it just me, or is this notebook monitor looks odd? I means my 24in LCD is wider 16:9 than this notebook monitor.