
Kids aren't mandatory. They're expensive; that's why I don't have any.

Your use of the word "you" is a little unfair—I don't think Lifehacker's ever treated Apple with any more or less skepticism than we treat anyone else.

Why We Need Apple
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It's no secret that I'm an Android guy. I worked for two years at an Android-focused site and I own multiple devices

I agree that our audience is changing some, and honestly, when I was a reader I never came to Lifehacker for press event breaking news. It was the break-down of the news that was so great to read. I think the focus on "what matters" and then afterward "what it means" is great.

My favorite trick of his was never bother to license your vehicles. Just buy a new lease every 6 months that way you avoid the time vampire that is the DMV.

I can't imagine what they'll be off contract. (Just a thought) - The 128GB could be something upwards of $900 (or more(!)), guessing from previous prices and models.

The weird thing about Rock Band controllers for peope who play is that the actions to play them are JUST different enough from actual musical instruments to throw you off. For example, to play a particular drum fill might require a particular sequence of four drums on an acoustic set, but on a Rock Band controller

You folks at Gawker Media need to get on the same page when it comes to Reubens. Per Burneko:

There are so many tricky parts, right? Particularly in new houses that have crazy roof lines and beam structures, or anything that has been renovated, like you mentioned. It's definitely not an exact science (unless you're a structural engineer... then that's exactly what it is) but I do think that having a basic

I've stuck with Dropbox because everything about it just works. I can also use it on all my devices (windows computer, linux computer, tablet & phone). I'm very glad to see this change :)

You're asking for trouble if you do this without a structural engineer. You need to involve someone who understands structures, and understands the current building code. Just because a wall may not look like a "load-bearing" wall, that doesn't mean it doesn't serve some structural capacity for the building. Often

I have the Musemee, and it's actually quite a lot better than my finger, or the usual rounded-tip stylii.

An old contractor told me that people used to mount them upside down for safety - if a child slid something down behind it (like what, a sheet of metal ???), it would hit the ground wire (rather than the hot wire).

For the record, I'm a teacher, and after-school/one-hour-per-week stuff is sometimes the hardest. They don't come in with (mostly) automatic respect, you don't always have the back-up teachers (usually) have, and they just made it through a looong school day and aren't necessarily ready for more!

As samto says, rolling your 401(k) to your new employer's 401(k) may not be an option. Also, the new employer's plan may not be that great. It may have high fees or a limited selection of investment options, or it might be run by a firm you just don't like for one reason or another.

Greg McBride, the Chief Financial Analyst for Bankrate, actually mentioned this when I spoke to him. He said that doing so was one option - you could roll all of your old 401(k)s into your current employer's 401(k), but the trouble with doing so is that:

In both cases if you convert from traditional (IRA or 401K) to Roth you will pay income tax, but no penalty.

You can have pets in a dorm???

I would be so depressed if every week I pretended I was about to go on vacation and then every week I kept not going on vacation.

It works for me.
—Every CEO in the USA.