damn. I should always check the other comments before posting. Well done!
damn. I should always check the other comments before posting. Well done!
Yes. And instead of investing that cash, we took what would have been the monthly payment and put it into WeePiglet's college fund, thus establishing that as a "permanent" budget line-item. That worked better for us in the long run, because now WeePiglet's college cash is an established expense and the car is paid…
I borrow a magnetic drill when I need to drill plate. Makes it super easy.
Personally, I'm a Dapper Dan man.
Here, I'll answer my own question.
In my city the cheapest rates are AT the airport.
No. He flipped the Saab, or crashed it into an Elk, or something.
It takes less than a couple minutes to do this on a gas stove. This is a great tip for those that are crippled with having electric stoves.
this is exactly why I converted to android, they have a bunch of native apps that could be really good but you normally have stupid limitations that make no sense and have to buy a bunch of third party apps anyway and they don't really fully integrate with eachother, if you want Google services then nexus 5 or moto X…
Hmm. I've been modding you up because I like your attitude, but to be fair to the critics, it really does sound like you're several levels beyond most of us when it comes to keeping a car like this on the road. "Oh, that's just the conductor plate, I'll swap it out next Saturday" just isn't part of most peoples'…
I've fixed fun and formerly expensive cars a number of times. I've usually enjoyed them and not lost too much money. I've also daily driven big cars from the 60s and enjoyed them a bit more, surprisingly 50 year-old Cadillacs and Oldsmobiles are just as comfortable as a modern Merc.
"The car as it sits is worth at least 2.5x what I have into it."
What really irks me is that the vast majority of vegetarians and vegans I have seen seem to treat their veganism and vegetarianism like an actual medical food restriction. It's not. It's not like Celiac disease or lactose intolerance. The most you will suffer from is a moral dilemma. They should understand that they…
Don't forget to add this one.
Check this out: http://www.citeworld.com/article/215198…
This isn't a bad idea either, I could see myself refrigerating it after cooking.
I keep my iPhone 5S Jailbroken on 7.0.6, then allow my 128GB Wifi + Cell iPad to link to it for trips. Why, you ask, would I buy the higher-end Wifi + Cell iPad when I'm using my phone for data? Well, my phone's data is unlimited, and the Wifi + Cell model has the GPS radio built-in, for liquid-smooth, full screen…
"Got a pair of smelly sneakers and some cheap vodka?"
As one who installed swimming pools to work my way through school: Getting people to understand the difference between concrete and cement is...