
Some kids want to please adults, some don’t give a shit (or at least don’t do so outwardly). There’s no need (or use) to explore that tendency when they’re 4-10 years old; the concept is lost on them. Once they hit 10-12, you can teach them what it means to independently analyze the cost (and rewards) of pleasing

Our take: If you did something wrong, you’re going to get punished for it (sort of the speeding ticket approach). However - if you come clean right up front, the punishment is going to be much less than if you lie about what happened. It may be as minor a punishment as discussing why it was wrong and how to fix what

I got it for “free” with my current Amex promo. Of course, it’s not really free - the annual fee is $450, and I get the $100 global entry fee refunded for myself and up to two additional cardholders (wife and DD). I also get $400 in airline gift certificates ($200/yr, my first year will roll over a January 1; it’s

If the cost doesn’t drop, they are footing the bill. They also foot the bill for tower construction, network maintenance, connection and data services, customer service workers, and the like.

I used to scoff at precheck...until I got it. It’s like going back to the Pre-9/11 security days. Which is to say all the necessary security without (almost) all the unnecessary (and downright silly) hassles.

This may become more important as carriers stop footing the bill for 60-80% of the cost of a new device every 18-24 months.

Depending on the type of user you are, you may not stay as enamored once the shiny wears off. Having owned three iPhones, 2 iPads, and two Android handsets (one bottom feeder $10 phone and one flagship, the LG G3) I can tell you that each has it’s frustrating limitations.

“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

The good news: tempo-based song selection

Depends on how important it is to know whether it’s unimportant.

Man, if I had a nickel for every time I spent an hour online researching prices that would save me 5 cents...oh, wait.

That’s what I was thinking. Isn’t $250-$500 right in the entry-level 3D printer market as it is?
Or, put a different way, how much better is it than, say, a $250 model like this:…

I’m going to take apple’s side here. If you’ve got the disposable cash, it’s still going to be a great way to take notes for college students. And there are people who use iPads for work as lightweight, scaled down laptops. There’s a whole cottage industry of keyboards and covers for them.

F*ck everything you know, we’re doing FIVE windows.

Now playing

Two apps at once on a tablet. It’s like magic from the future.

There are ethical lawyers, too. And ethical hedge fund managers. And college professors who are there to teach. You are part of the exception, at least in the research fields (from which my educational background comes). Please understand that I don’t believe that the professors choose expensive texts out of malice.

Do you remember the Lawyer in the original Jurassic Park?

It’s rare that someone with that kind of manner wasn’t a server at some point in the past. I’m not gonna lie that my time spent as a bartender certainly changed my outlook on service jobs.

Now playing

Wow, I just saw that guy on youtube. GIF and youtube famous, that’s impressive.

You know, I still really miss my Pronto. I mean, while it’s possible to program these remotes (and I have a programmed universal) there is no joy in it, and most have horrifically limited and convoluted ways of doing custom programming.