

This was a similar problem I had ran into myself when testing out emulators under Yellow Dog.

As someone who owns the tower of power and a Saturn, I couldn’t agree more.

That would make a bit of sense then.

I am curious as to what this person is running if they were able to hit the $5K mark in cost.

Right? I feel the same way here.

If you are worried about privacy, you shouldn’t even be on the internet.

That’s what I was confused by with Microsoft’s presentation. Even if I didn’t own an Xbox One already, I wouldn’t get the S. They essentially told me to not buy the S in the same presentation it was revealed, and that all of the X1 exclusives are cross buy with Windows 10, so I can just play the must have games on my

The AMD GCN architecture natively supports 4K....

Blows my mind that there are people that defend this practice.

Funny enough, I am the opposite on this.

You made out better than me. I just wanted a tiny XBMC box to slap behind my TV.

How conjested is your home network and what router are you running?

Does this affect those that have robust wireless AC environments?

The happy medium seems to be day one patches LOL

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I think it isn’t okay that they removed the option to play with the old control scheme. I want both!

WOW! I was hoping I could switch between. I wanted that authentic experience :(

I swapped mine at my local GS for NFS:Rivals after beating it.