Jon W.

It's also exactly what they would say if it wasn't a zombie disease.

It's also exactly what they would say if it wasn't a zombie disease.

Applause, applause, applause...

What, no ball pit?

At this point, no one is certain. We've gotten the payoff—the reveal of a new Silent Hill game—but some small part of that reveal still rings hollow. Curiosity aches, claws. There might be more to find. People have started to report finding surprisingly elaborate easter eggs in the teaser, for instance, after leaving

Given that Kojima got death threats when he tried to stop doing the series, I'm pretty sure he's just rubbing our noses in now, by giving people what they want, but not the way they wanted it. It's trolling for him. Like that bit in Snake Eater where you have Eve in your party, and you can find out she has proctitis

Mafia. Family. Corruption.

If there's anything I've learned about folks like Hox, from far too much experience, it's that it's nearly impossible to get them to change their minds, or admit to being wrong about anything at all. "You can't logic someone out of a viewpoint they weren't logic'd into," or something like that. About the best you can

>I don't understand why someone would attempt to bend those facts, and attempt to take all of the character away from the female characters.

I'm saying what possible counter point is there that makes photographing women's asses before executing them okay?

Strangelove may have started a relationship with Huey, and may be Otakon's mum.

Her initials are A.S.

Resident Evil 6. Turns out Jill Valentine has been brainwashed - and given a dye job - by Wesker. According to said critic, that counts as domestic violence, regardless of "incidental circumstances" intended to justify it.

>If you believe male victims of rape should be disregarded, or that we should ignore child soldiers, homelessness, male prostitution, disproportionately high rate of male suicide, work related injury, or any matter like that... because MEN - which, disgustingly seems to be what you are saying, 'White bros

>Now that that straw man is burned,

I'm worried that the extremists in feminism are the mainstream. When the biggest name in feminist games criticism endorsed a violent fanfic wherein she murders Randy Pitchford, and claimed that a dude in a videogame reluctantly defending himself from his roided-up, brainwashed female friend trying to kill him was

>This is good, because these are problems women have had to deal with to a far greater extent than men, and it's helped bring attention to these matters, having them all grouped as women's issues.
