Jon W.

>Feminism - equality in all ways for women - is a great, necessary thing.

Wow. Less than a dozen examples in Film. Two dozen or so in Literature, and in Live Action TV. Several of which are of men. Many or most of which seem to be works from this millenium. Hardly seems like the biggest cliche ever.

For some reason, I've heard that claim several times there was a woman getting raped or almost raped in a work, yet feminists insist that society still doesn't talk enough about rape.

>in the sense that his female characters are ones like Quiet, where they're hyper-sexualized and don't get to speak......

>You're flinging about misogyny as if you've just learned the word.

Relying on lazy stereotypes and mockery instead of making an actual argument. Yep. Either a troll, or someone who can't actually argue their way out of a paper bag.

>insulting the people who disagree with X because they disagree with X
>>making assumptions about why they disagree with X that have nothing to do with disagreeing with X

And men too.

Because scantily-clad women.

Phil, you do realize that the BnB photo minigame is supposed to feel exploitative and creepy, right? As for Peace Walker, Paz is 16. Kojima is mocking the idea of a dating sim, considering that Snake is twice her age. You can also go out on a date with Kaz. As for Silent, I'd rather wait and see.

Well, there's Eternal Darkness, and, being in a sim is one of the central gameplay concepts of Assassin's Creed.

>I've got no argument,


Walking down corridors unable to do anything for minutes at a time while the game leads you by the nose? What is this, a Call of Duty game?

Wait, you mean that innocent people get inconvenienced when other people nearby riot? What a shock!

And yet, the article and the BI one don't really mention the rioting at all. Which none of the people "correcting" me have acknowledged.

These are the cutest, tackiest serial killers I've ever seen.

Do you have any problem with both this article and the linked BusinessInsider one completely glossing over the fact that there were riots going on in the first place? Or does that only become a problem when it makes protestors look bad?