Jon W.
Now playing

>if they're going to insist on Unity's protagonist being a guy (though I think it was a huge missed opportunity not to make it a woman, given the prominent role female assassins actually played in the real French Revolution).

Long live brooding, gravely voiced, white male protagonist.

Considering that I've most commonly seen the complaint with Frozen and Tangled, and the two female leads in the latter are sisters, and Tangled also has Mother Gothel, and their last four tentpole films with human protagonists were Frozen, Wreck-It Ralph, Brave, and no.

They took the prereq, "how to draw the same person with different hair and clothes".

What, no cheap shot at Michael Bay? You're slipping, guys.

Except that several of the complaints have been about things like the hostages in the first level not having the proper emotional reactions or indicators.

Funny. That's a lot like the exact same excuses the Spec Ops devs used. "You could've just quit whenever you wanted!"

"But, but, games don't have to be appealing or fun so risking significant amounts of progress on something the player has no agency over makes perfect sense so if you don't agree you just don't appreciate their artistic integrity!"

>Games have to be fun?

Wait, you're saying the revolver bit mentioned in the review isn't random? That the player can somehow have an affect on it?

So it's a metaphor for life?

>XCOM : enemy unknown/EW where it'll affect a decision but won't destroy your progress in one fell swoop

But it does have vehicles and generic, faceless soldiers.

Well, that's not a bad movie either. It's just not, y'know, as good.

I spent about five bucks on the Spirit of the Century Kickstarter, just because I heard Brian from 8Bit Theatre was contributing to the book (I don't play RPGs). I got the equivalent of three fairly good pulp novels. I'm satisfied with my investment.

>You clearly don't know what feminism is,

Oh? Please explain how calling rape and abuse "violence against women (by men)" and "M>F gendered violence" promotes equal treatment. Heck, the UK has legally defined rape as penetrating someone with a penis for over ten years now, and I don't see feminists getting up in arms. Yet #banBossy is apparently a vital

Yeah, remember all those games with space marines recently? Like Halo 4, and Gears of War, kinda, and Mass Effect 3, and, um, CODGhasts, for about five minutes, and...

It was also the basis for much of the Equalists moves in The Legend of Korra, which succeeded in making it look actually practical.

Also, how about two LPs?