Okay, now you sound like a conspiracy theorist. When you start attacking others for believing and supporting the Official Story, especially with bad-faith implications.
Don't do that. It looks exactly like you're evading to any onlookers. If you post the evidence, and he dismisses it out of hand, then he looks unreasonable.
Ad Hominem, poisoning the well.
One of the refreshing things about The Last Of Us' vision of the apocalypse was that it didn't involve destruction. Mankind hadn't been killed off by bombs, or aliens, but by nature itself, which was only too happy to reclaim our cities.
Pfft. Call me when someone sorts the milk.
I've read that you can play it mostly-pacifist.
This takes place, IIRC, in a somewhat corrupt version of Chi-town. So maybe it makes sense?
Wow. He must have one heck of a phone case.
Plus, there's the fact that, apparently, no one ever quite manages to convict them of a crime that gets them executed. Or just murder them in an alley. Or Seal Team Six them after their occasional acts of international terrorism.