Jon W.

And so do many people who do actually like COD. Or at least mediocre.

I am so tire of this Purr-to-Win DLC.

I hope it doesn't have the Myst problem of "why would anyone put these puzzles here?" A train that you navigate by listening to sound probably violates about a dozen accessibility laws, even if you had an answer key.

"It's not the end of the world...but you can still have cool hair."

Wait, were they hanged or shot?

And vice versa.

I can't wait to see how Moffat turns this into a creepy Doctor Who episode.

You literally just made up what you think Indy's motivated by, when all they did was point out that you're not going to get the game you want. It wasn't even an insult, nor was it 'heaping scorn" on you.. And even if it was, you've been a bigger That Guy throughout the thread than anyone else.

Your partner for much of KSf is actually a Helghan. And, spoilers;

Incidentally, this was originally supposed to be made by Grin, the folks who made Bionic Commando Rearmed, until they went bankrupt. Strangely, the art style is still close enough to BCR that I Googled to see if it was the same studio.

What the fuck is wrong with this industry that console favouritism is so bad it pours scorn on anyone who aspires above the corporate agenda of new gen of consoles.

Because there are plenty of people on the Internet who do actually think like that. Look up Poe's Law.

Really? From what I hear, most of the fanbase considers them more sympathetic than the ISA. They pretty much abandoned all subtlety on that in Shadowfall, explicitly painting the ISA as morally grey. They went straight up War On Terror slash Cold War, and I think that narratively, it worked pretty well.

I'm just imagining you walking into a surprise birthday party, seeing a pineapple pizza, and then recoiling like Dracula.

Scientists at a US military lab in Massachusetts say they're "closing in" on a mix of ingredients that let them bake a pizza, put it in a bag and survive in an edible state for three years

2) Do we care what porn sites you visit? Oh, dear god, no. My brain just melted.

Hey, everyone, it's That Guy!

As far as I've seen, those obvious points are pretty much everywhere. And the tricks aren't set in stone, either.

If that's the one with art by Alex Maleev, then I admit may be remembering it wrong. Interestingly, I found this while trying to check;