Nope, got nothin'. Someone's selling a mousepad, though.
Nope, got nothin'. Someone's selling a mousepad, though.
That would be Strype, except he shut that gallery down. He still has a Furaffinity gallery, tho.
Well, Timmy, first you head to your state Senate, then...
Interesting how you don't actually say how I was gramatically incorrect. All I can see is a minor conjugation error in the first sentence, but that's apparently enough to dismiss the entire post for you.
>I don't need to play it to observe it. That's why I'm skeptical.
That game used dressed-up real guns, like most movie armorers.
You mean the storyline where it was rubbed in the player's faces that the Helghan aren't entirely in the wrong and the ISA doesn't have its hands clean?
IDK. I read it a while back. And even if I had the link, you're clearly only selectively skeptical, as indicated by the fact that you find it hilarious that someone claimed they're using real fencing moves despite not actually knowing what their claims were.
Except that IRL, people have won fights with serious, sometimes even fatal rapier wounds. It also means that fighters still have their "amputated" limb affecting their balance and blood flow and other things.
You're saying there's no difference "contact-wise" between stabbing, and stabbing & slashing. I'm sure there are a few jillion doctors throughout history who would disagree.
You'd think people would have used a time machine for more important things than watching movies that didn't exist yet.
TREB's pretty clearly That Guy. The actual facts don't matter, only whether they support his point. I mean, he openly admitted he's ignoring stuff just because he doesn't like said films.
>It's clear I've touched a raw nerve,
In other words, you're ignoring the films selectively, because you don't like them.
That's it? All you can do is take a shot at my "quirky" username I came up with when I was 16 and haven't been able to figure out how to change?
Flying game with political topicality. Got it.
And just straight up made up some nonsense about "energy guards", despite complaining about "non-canon" wiki material earlier.
I used to have a rule; if I am not watching the actual content after 15 seconds, I'm not watching the video.