Mrs. Jones

Correct! And in later books they get together and raise children (not children that they had together, the sister's kids from other relationships).

OMG! I remember "My Sweet Audrina"! I read it at camp and remember hiding it in my bags because I didn't want the other campers to know what kind of filth I was reading. That was some crazy shit.

My mom recommended that I read them. Which is retrospect is kinda weird.

I read this whole series when I was 11. So crazy excited about this!

It only makes me feel bad when the product is on Etsy or some place for sale. Then I'm pretty much ripping off the artist.

I've done a few of those patterns before. I'm trying to stay away from Etsy because I've copies a lot of the patterns available there without paying for them because I can copy anything if I just see the end product.

I'll try that. I've been horrible right now and have just been copying already finished cross stitches. It makes me feel bad because I'm not paying for the work.

I'm really into cross stitching (I'm an 80 year old woman in a 20-something's body). Anyone have any cool sites to get patterns from?

I live in NYC, but am visiting the family in Dallas for the next few week. Anyone know of things that can be done in Dallas to support? I'd love to help in any ways.

From the slut friend article last week, we are organizing a slutty NYC meetup. We are still deciding between Wednesday or Thursday. Will be in the East Village. You can find more info here:…

If you're an NYC slut, let me know what day/time/area of the city would work for a slutty meetup next week. Bring your best hookup story!

If you're an NYC slut, let me know what day/time/area of the city would work for a slutty meetup next week. Bring your best hookup story!

If you're an NYC slut, let me know what day/time/area of the city would work for a slutty meetup next week. Bring your best hookup story!

If you're an NYC slut, let me know what day/time/area of the city would work for a slutty meetup next week. Bring your best hookup story!

If you're an NYC slut, let me know what day/time/area of the city would work for a slutty meetup next week. Bring your best hookup story!