
Wow indeed. Country envy what? You’re assuming Jonee is a ‘furner ‘because he dared to say something not nice about ‘merica? Xenophobic much? Yugos weren’t great cars, but neither did they need weekly wrenching. Just, you know, follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule and check the oil every once in

Well I had a Yugo, red and it had a sun roof, i put some 10"s in there and it bumped... bought it for $1500 in CT less than a year old around 88', drove all around the snow and hilly countryside for a year, then drove it to NM in 3 days as I moved there... drove it for years after, nothing ever broke until i spilled

One thing about Yugos: Whenever I see them placed on an “ugly cars” or “ugliest cars” list/book, I immediately conclude that the author has no credibility. They simply include the Yugo out of sheer laziness.

Of all the problems the Yugo arguably had, styling was not one of them. It’s a very conservative, aesthetically

I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it.

Ah, but there’s the rub. The *point* is that there is nothing. And once there’s *something*, it’s harder to say no - then it’s just a race to the bottom. Farm stands become fast food and empty fields become houses. Planning is about more than one parcel of land and this year - it’s the entire region and decades into

Sunbeam Tiger

It is getting there. The biggest problem oddly? Regulation. Check out what some states have done to basically block new chargers based on political divide. It’s insane. Plus, the market has spoken. Get onboard with EV. The torque is just stupid.

It’s my contention that Brendan Fraser should get a 6-minute standing ovation essentially any time he enters a room, but maybe that’s just me.

I don’t understand why Ram would abandon the segment after everyone else did. In total there were over 70,000 vehicles sold in this segment over the last 12 months, according to GoodCarBadCar. Even though there were only 14,500 Promasters sold in that time, I would think that Ram would wait to see if they could

What the fuck is going on with all of these discontinuation of these smaller vans. Not everyone likes the anxiety and misery of driving a giant van or car. 

Just got back from our first road trip, from Ohio to Myrtle Beach and back, in our 2022 Pacifica AWD. My wife drug me kicking and screaming into minivan ownership, and after that road trip, a camping trip with a rooftop tent on top, and a few trips to Pittsburgh with 2 other couples in the back, this thing is the

I had this conversation with my brother in law that insisted that with his 1x kid, he needed a 3 row crossover, the Atlas in this case, because of needing a big trunk to go camping twice a year. I told him the rational, perfect solution to his needs was a mini-van but, well you know, people would prefer to buy

No kidding. I read this:

I actually had to stop watching the trailer at my desk at work because I was giggling with delight.....and I didn’t even have the sound on.

I found Clarkson’s farm to be the best of the outside series, which shocked me. I learned a ton, which also shocked me. It was Clarkson, but there was a humanity and humility that made him a lot less annoying than normal.

Your attitude is why Jalopnik is the way that it is now. No fun, disdainful, snarky, and downright elitist. No actual review or opinion other than “this thing that people like, well it sucks, because I said so”.

These are the equivalent of fan service - those of us that started watching TG back in the early 2000s. I still turn on some of those episodes from my Plex server and it feels like a warm blanket…and still funny. 

I second this sentiment. Nothing they do is new, but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. If I was a millionaire with a blank check to make car films with my friends, I’d keep doing it too.

They are doing a victory lap on life - while they can all still walk and think straight. I am all for it. It may be old hat, but its always fun to watch

The point of the Transit Connect it was meant to be small enough for cities or small businesses where a regular Transit was too big or excessive for one’s needs.