
Quick! To Garry's Mod!

2014: The Year in Review:

You're still playing Black Cops 1? C'mon man, get with the times. Everybody is playing the sequel now.

Sadly, Infamous Second Son was so short. First game I've ever gotten a platinum trophy on, and it was done way too quickly.

The PS4 online store is already feeling a bit cluttered.

Also relevant:


Rainbow 6 please God Rainbow 6

If the 2DS would just fold up like a regular 3DS it would be great. For those of us with 3D eye issues a lower costing handheld without the 3D is pretty useful.

10/10 would calibrate.

Dat Mass (Effect Field)

no man, he's right. you're retarded.

Desert Rangers you say?

Seriously. There is no reason we cannot have that here.

"Mobile gaming is the future"

well you wouldn't expect lion to be buddies with giraffe

School uniform there?