I didn't find the characters in DS2 as interesting or memorable. Not sure why. Too many knights maybe.
I didn't find the characters in DS2 as interesting or memorable. Not sure why. Too many knights maybe.
As sad as it may be to say, isn't it pretty common with many artists, composers and writers who often have built a 'brand name' behind their public persona while allowing ghost writing underlings do a lot of work for them? Hans Zimmer has multiple ghost writing talent under his wing, where he still gets the credit in…
No, you're not "just here enjoying my game", you're online posting in a comment section taking a shot at the "mustard race". I for one love taking shots at the mustard race, but don't pretend you're an innocent little snowflake being harangued by the big-bad PC gamers.
1440p solid 60 FPS AF and AA is not "more or less the same". And I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the improved lighting model makes it to the PC instead of being cut like on consoles.
That's pretty awesome. I'll have to remember that spell when I finally get DS2. It didn't seem to be useful in DS1, but I mainly played single player and it's completely useless against AI enemies.
It's Ubisoft. Their development teasers are bullshot-city.
How about an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan, please? Maybe a bit sacrilegious, but you could set it during the time of Christian missionary efforts to covert Japanese citizens to the faith with Templar subterfuge in the background. Could offer an alternate explanation as to why Christianity, and by association the…
My theory is that every post-2000s Disney movie is a spinoff of Frasier.
Pre-order your copy of Infamous: Second Son today and get a $25 Dell gift card thrown in. Obviously you'll have to spend that $25 on something Dell sells, but as you can see they do sell games. [Dell]
You seem nice.
I expect at least one to somehow feature Owen.
Permission is the art of using certain cues to convince the consumer that, while the product they are putting into their mouth does not contain a thing, it's still basically the thing, even though it isn't. Think Apple Jacks. There are no apples in there — they don't even taste vaguely like fruit — but somehow the…
There's more innuendoes in this thread than a Japanese election...
She lays it on kinda THICK doesn't she?