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Just don't name your daughter after a city.

We did get about 30 beautiful seconds of space porn when the drop ship took off and you could see lights and a small explosion.

Neat. Lasted about five seconds for me.

So it's a PVP only game? That's what the trailer is telling me.
I just lost all interest.

Bungie didn't care about PC for their Halo career, why would they start now?

What this fellow wants is a video game in which all conflict is resolved via intense discourse.

You're a boob Toriyama! Just tittin' You're my breast friend.

Wow. Well done for proving your ignorance about the whole ordeal. That's not even close to what happened.

I can't say what possessed me to watch it a week or two ago. Nobody other than Netflix told me anything about it, and I am not in any way the target demographic for, well, for whatever you want to call this. I don't usually do "drama" because to me that usually means soap opera.

Okay Patricia... enough is enough, I'm kinda serious about it. A lot of people complained about your crappy posts. Then one day, you listened and started posting "actual stuff" instead of posting mini-articles of videos made by little kiddies with nothing better to do in their life. And now, you went back to your old