
Actually, I did skip Borderlands 2. I have no intention of buying it anytime soon either, if ever. If I did, it'd be for $5 as a complete "ultimate" package in two years when they finally release all the DLC. And by then? I'll be playing something else and won't be interested anymore.

I'm in the same boat, brother. Previously, I've always purchased a few games with every sale; I'm hard-pressed to explain why this one's an exception. Do I have all the games I want? There has been a bit of a dry spell in game releases, but there's a ton of games I passed by while I chased the entire trilogy of Mass

I really wish Kotaku (and Gawker Media in general) would /stop/ embedding videos with, because all I see are black screens with "Video Not Found." Embed the Youtube link for crying out loud. Or, in addition to the embed, include a url link to it at the end of the article at least. Otherwise we don't see

Video Not Found.

I couldn't agree more with MRCorsair. No Shepard = no Mass Effect. As they said in the games, "There's no Shepard without Vakarian." Why people are arguing against MRCorsair is beyond me; how is a game without the gamer (e.g., Shepard) remotely interesting?