
@Uncommon_Whore: Tiffany is for infidelity. I also received the blue box from the married.

@mcpm: Thems fightin' words. Okay, I'll give you corny, corny, but it never fails. I'm going to watch it tonight in your honor.

@luxamnesiac: Yeah, we've gotten an assortment of gifts that I'm not gonna complain about. Thanks for your whorin' ways, mama!

@buzzgirl: "...and I see a lot of myself in her too."

@AngriestGeek: I completely agree. I grew into my face as I got older. When I gain weight, my nose looks wider and the tip less refined and the same when I lose weight, it's smaller and turns up more on the tip.

@Rude And Not Ginger: Seriously. I still get a pain in my heart (quite literal) every time I think of FotC being over and done with.

@cupofgreentea: I listened to it too. (What? I have an important project due yesterday.) Anyway, totally didn't even try to fake her voice. It's just some girl talking.

@onebum: I'm having the same reaction. I've avoided this post for a couple of hours because I knew I'd feel the fremdschämen.

When I was pregnant, I had uncharacteristic cravings for vinegar-flavored items. My daughter now loves vinaigrette salad dressings, olives of all types, and anything pickled. Just like momma.

@samanthajonesprqueen: I can only hope today's youth (I'm an elderly 31) doesn't look up to the RW cast the way I did when I was a teen. I thought they were so adult, had such sophisticated vocabularies, and were so self possessed.

@Fugbeans: Wasn't Hawaii before Las Vegas? I don't think that was "social experiment TV" anymore at Hawaii. Interesting though. I still have a special place in my heart for Annoying Amaya.

@J'accagan: That is some impressive framing of the package.

@JoliePolie: Oh, but now this is finally a way to show off my cutest bras.

What? Why? I don't understand. This doesn't even minimize the gut? Just the arms? Why not wear a long sleeved shirt by itself?

@Descarada: I'd recommend working with a trainer, a good one who is more interested in corrective exercise and your body as a machine, rather than making you "tiny" or whatever such nonsense Tracy Anderson pushes. After that helps jump start you, get involved in some sort of sport or running that will get you to focus

@Susan B.: Yeah, totally surprised it's in second place. Spooj was a creep and it was a little scary, but not absolute proven danger.

I hope we get a fun, flirty, fearless Commoner to Princess montage with silly pratfalls and embarrassing gaffes!

@ty.nowicki: You should be crowned both King of the Internet and Satan's Whore.

@diasdiem: Precisely. That's what I thought the article was about at first glance. My answer was "They meet in the middle?"