(Zombie) Jölan

@Odin: A) While Kotaku may run advertisements on the site the ads are not centered around Crecente endorsing the products

@(Zombie) Jölan: content-aware thing rather, like in this picture?

@Deanb: is that the whatchamacallit feature where it makes guesses as to what would be in the background

too obvious?

I posted a better pic of it in tips, fwiw.

anyone else gotten this one?

@Koztah: wait so TF2 wasn't the first one? O_o

@Xeo: Which was kind of my point, they are mislabeling it. It would be like making an RPG and saying it isn't an RPG, its a stat based fantasy sim.

@Xeo: I was just saying in general there is a difference, the way they are talking about it definitely sounds more class oriented.

@Xeo: not exactly. Class typically implies some sort of focus and/or specialization.

@Bea Arthur: *cough cough because no game has ever had classes before TF2 cough cough*

Actually, its the all emo guitar hero, apparently Emo Hero didn't test well.

@subterfunk: perhaps marijuana is merely an experience enhancer for the game.

@Asbestos_Underwear: a more apt comparison for the article might have been FFVII and Dirge of Cerberus. although technically spinoff not sequel, but still...

@deuxhero: Obviously that's not what I was talking about. I meant if the sentiment of "middle ages being overused" was serious or not. Grats on missing the point.