(Zombie) Jölan

I'm suing Europe since they have easier access to PAL stuff that I would be selling if I could. #lawsuit

@RockyRan: at least the didn't edit things in "Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet, wishing to be the courteous gentleman you deserve" " #bandhero

@Y0URGOD78: again, I was just offering my opinion, and never claimed to be an expert. #guitarhero

@sqlrob: Bear in mind I said "I Think" I'm not a lawyer or anything. #guitarhero

@Y0URGOD78: I think it falls uunder free use like a parody, like the "Nine Inch Nails through Jesus' hands" thing #guitarhero

@KIAFP: The Beatles: Bible

@M.u.s.o.u.k.a: Not saying that console gamers don't, because we do, but PC gamers (not as a whole, but enough to become a stereotype) tend to be elitists and entitled jerks. One of the biggest arguments I hear is that "We (PC) made these games what they are, so they need to cater to us." While I can certainly

@Labreya: I get that and they have every right to be upset, its kind of dickish, I just personally don't think that the money lost by not selling MW2 will be made up for by not promoting Steam. Just my opinion, I guess.

@wazups2x: Care to elucidate for me the reason for my being pathetic?

Perhaps a spiritual successor down the line a couple years? #littlebigplanet

@TexasJack: Considering the amount of PC gamers who bitch and moan about things then buy them anyways... #modernwarfare2

@Labreya: Yeah but if a game retailer didn't carry the biggest game of the year, why would I keep shopping there? If the grocery stopped carrying milk, or eggs, or whatever... #modernwarfare2

@brurpo: But wouldn't gamestop be losing 50 dollars by not making the sale? and by not selling arguably the biggest game of the year, that is a lot of $50 to be losing. #modernwarfare2

While I can understand not wanting to advertise your competition, won't they be losing a buttload of money? #modernwarfare2