
I would like to point out NEVER has my Advice Column stolen inbound questions - this is because our readers are Patriots, Tea Party Heroes, and Backwoods Gals of the finest sort. Plus there is too much legalese for these phonies to understand.

Oh cool you wrote about Biddle's hilarious video too

Sorry next time I'll like your 50 mirror shots dude

Well that's kind of cool, the weight loss. Still at some point it tips over. Good for her though.

If you couldn't tell I find it annoying. It can almost cause a fremdschämen type feeling - watching other people inartfully broadcast their own insecurities to everyone. LOCK IT UP FOOLS

How about don't take a fucking self portrait to needily send out to other people for validation or reaction ever

Plug that into your occulus rift bro, maybe you never leave BangPandora

This happened in Twilight 2: The Deepening when the jacked kid railed the other kid

This video is ableist against spastics

The avatar alien butthole one

This is the best work you've ever done.

You're forgetting NEVER BACK DOWN, 2008's finest movie.

Karate is hard when you're on an an all bitter greens diet :(

For some reason, I thought he threw like a DEAD VAMPIRE BAT onto the field, and was pumped that that caused some kind of DARK SANTARIA OMEN and started a fight. But then it was a beisbol bat and now I don't care.

The kids are probably just lying about the slenderman connect. A guy in my high school torture murdered a shopkeep and he claimed it was related to reading these dark comics. But at the end of the trial they sussed out that "he killed a dog, and wanted to see if killing a human felt like that".

This is brutal, there is no 'flushing toxins' - what toxin are you talking about? Why are you consuming 'toxins'? All this detox and toxin talk is dog shit.

Kale is POOR MAN'S LETTUCE or some such, amazing marketing getting everyone to eat this sulfurous weed. *sips kale smoothie disgusted with himself for buying into it* Superfood my ass

Just ID and bill these jokers, and send those bills to collections IMMEDIATELY, like a week later. Done and done.

This article makes me feel like I should be going low carb and doing HIIT. THANKS MUCH APPRECIATED

Just keep in mind that otter on the right is probably dead, and that other otter is going to bang it, as is their dark river-rat custom.