John The Race Fan

skaycog and i like it

I also like it!

fuck the haters I like TGUSA

Easy. He was doing this work in the garage.

can i just get it like this.. but with a proper full cage.. and a nice fat cow bar in front?

Save the knuckleheads!

“Duh.” - Everyone.

That exhaust is questionable!

I bet when the owner drives it he/she states over and over again “Oh, what a lovely day.”

Im More thinking he may be full of shit, somehow this guy thinks hes Native American. Never Seen A ging Native American

Puff’s such a lightweight.

and then puffalump got black out drunk after.

...and when the sport disappears as we know it, only one person can save it...

LOL Two Turbo’s with a GT-R attached

There’s a “Handy Fire Extinguisher” option. I am not joking.

Just trying to do my part to encourage the proliferation of Futurama references.

On the Cimarron that V would likely stand for vaginal.