1:The atlas is not rated for humans
2: two people up and down is not enough
3: there's not enough room for a safe reentry poisition for crew members
4: it's not human rated
5: not enough O2 or CO2 scrub ability
6: no astronaut wants to fly autonomously
7: let the rocket scientists handle this... You write for an automotive…
You are my Jalopnik JLaw. Best friend, you just don't know it yet.
He's just pointing out a political reality; gay rights violations in the Russian Federation have been a big issue recently, even before the boondoggle Olympics, and an invasion of an allied, sovereign nation. Regardless of your thoughts on the issue, or the existence of a "gay mafia" or not, it is an actual bit of…
Hmmm. Time to stick up for the 'Nuge? Well, everyone in the mainstream media - and on this thread - says Ted Nugent is bad, but I don't think he's bad. I like him. He's a major voice for environmental stewardship, he has unique and valuable opinions - loudly, rudely voiced, like Jesse Jackson or Charlie Rangel (the…
People that say there's nothing wrong with the ad can't be serious. Watch it about 2 or 3 more times and you will see. If you dont you either are the type of person that the ad targeted or are as much of a douche as the guy in it.
Or when you try to steal second base and find out those boobs ain't real.
As expected, he will probably lawyer up, as anyone in that situation would do the same thing. I do, however, see blatant disregard for public safety. As a driver, I hate when people tailgate. If I have to slam on the brakes, that means my car, an investment that I worked hard to purchase, will be damaged senselessly.…
What did they shoot this with a potatoe?
Pole of the cold is what I call getting a beej on a ski lift.
Land Rover's stretching the rules on proving they don't overheat after 20,000 miles.
Those white seats are AMAZING.
I think the big issue here is not really the "danger" involved as much as it is the public way that the offender challenged their authority. He certainly was able to do this without an accident but the problem of course is that it might inspire others to commit the same crime and they might not be so lucky and cause…
What an incredible waste of resources. If this was the police chief's kid or a politician caught after a drunken accident there probably wouldn't even be any paperwork done. Instead they have probably spent more then a hundred grand on this B.S. already. It's not like he was racing. He was speeding. Meanwhile…
1.) Sell the car in foreign jurisdiction before NYPD wins it...
Holy [Redated]ing shit! The Awesomeness Manifesto just kicked in, yo! What a read, Sam. I had goosebumps.