
That wasn’t flying. That was falling with style.

That isn't Super Mario Bos. But there was atleast one arcade version of Super.

That’s the original Mario Bros.  While the follow-up Super Mario Bros. did have an arcade machine, that’s not it.  

thats regular mario bros, but super was also an arcade game, still have memories of playing it at a local showbiz pizza.

That’s Mario Bros. Not Super. (Super was a coin-op game too, just rare.)

I played the hell out of what you are showing right here (Mario Bros.) every day at the local on my walk home from school.

Wrong one.

I haven’t played it yet, but the entire reason it’s on my radar is that all the dialog was written by Ryan North (“The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl”, “Dinosaur Comics”, Zoink’s earlier “Flipping Death”, several other things). Pretty much everything he’s done has been gold to me.

Wow so the sequel/reboot to the original Perfect Dark which took place in a violent, dystopian 2023 will be released circa a violent, dystopian 2023.

Decided she no longer preferred the P.

I think they use the term “rebooted” more to sell just how different it is from the original GoW games. While it is still a direct sequel, they completely changed about every aspect of the game, from the combat, the tone, the platforming, the puzzles. None of it feels that much like the original GoW games. Its also

Driver first debuted on the original PlayStation in 1999 and quickly established itself as one of the first competent Grand Theft Auto competitors.

I hate to be this guy but, From Software didn't make Nioh...Team Ninja did.

This is around $0.08 per brick. That is not too bad of a license tax and in fact being under $0.10 per brick is good. It is well below the Disney and Star Wars sets. Even bulk classic LEGO come in around $0.05 to $0.08 per brick depending on the pack. Yes this is a micro build so there are a lot of smaller pieces.

It’s important work, making photorealistic rock.

She was in a movie starring Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Vincent D’Onofrio, and managed to have a standout performance in maybe three minutes of screen time.


It amazes me that Valve can sit on a mountain of player metrics but be unable to fix this. 

The 2020-2021 flu season was an astounding flop—in a good way. Positive flu tests were rare, just 0.2%, compared to typical rates of around 30%. There was only one death of a child from the flu, compared to 37 to 199 in past years.

it is quite literally impossible to adapt something and leave all of it intact.

truly some of the worst voice acting/writing i’ve heard in a while, i hope they don’t change it a bit