
Blue Rajah has one of my favorites lines in any movie ever and there’s frequent opportunity to quote it:

“All I’m saying is, when we split the cheque three ways the steak-eater picks the pocket of the salad-man.”

100 choices? Ooh, you mean I get to choose between the red team and the blue team?

This is disappointing to hear. I had been really interested in FarCry 5, but the DLC seemed even more up my alley, so when reviews of the main game were pretty mixed I decided to wait on getting it. The Vietnam DLC seemed like it could be cool, like maybe a return to a more FarCry 2-style experience. Anyway, here’s

I noticed that when he brought up his dad, but I couldn’t remember if earlier he said he had no last name or if he said something like “there’s no one, just me.” So when the recruiting officer asks him about his family name, maybe he does actually have one but didn’t want to say it because he felt the name no longer

The thing about Han’s “you’re gonna need a nickname” line is that it’s not really a joke. We already know what Chewbacca’s nickname is going to be, so the line as is is really just a wink and a nod. But it also could’ve been the perfect set-up for a joke. After Han says that line, wait a beat or two, and then have Han

I thought “poutrage” was what Canadians experience when Americans call poutine “disco fries.”

I’ve done the baking soda thing a few times. If you’re starting with dry beans, it does make a difference in texture, but getting rid of the baking soda taste is almost more of a challenge. I’ve found it takes a LOT of boiling and skimming and rinsing to even approach getting rid of that metallic tang. Each subsequent

Thanks for the info!

I really liked the first State of Decay, as imperfect as it was. For me, the gameplay loop of “explore an area, find survivors, build up a basecamp, exhaust supplies, move to a bigger camp” was very satisfying. The only thing that really stopped me from playing was when I’d seen it all—meaning the map no longer had

I was really expecting Agents of SHIELD to avoid the whole Thanos thing by the characters being trapped in the future. It made the “what happened to Earth?” aspect a bit more interesting because was it Quake? Was it the aftermath of Thanos?

But then they were brought back to the present, before Infinity War started.

No mention of the mini-golf course???

Details like this add so much to a game’s immersion. Even just simple footprints. I remember just how cool it was when a footprint mod for Skyrim came out and not only could my character leave footprints in the snow, but so would other characters (and I think the mod eventually added footprints for creatures, wolves,

I’m instantly getting an “original Alone in the Dark” vibe from those screenshots.

Because of the free weekend, I’m playing Ghost Recon Wildlands. I think this is maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve taken advantage of the free weekends for this game. I like the game, sort of? Not really enough to buy it, because then I’d just get sucked into doing every little thing in it, because I can’t resist checking

If I pour the bacon bits right out of the jar into my gaping maw, am I drinking bacon?

The negative criticism because of the microtransactions is basically what keep me from getting the game day 1. I absolutely LOVED the first game, but the in-game economics for the sequel were sounding like a disaster. I knew I’d probably get it eventually, but figured I’d just wait until a GOTY version is announced.

This sounds like it has a lot of potential! Are there any options to the style of paintings you can make? From the trailer it seems like all the paintings you make are basically photo-realism. Aside from a “painting” texture, it looks like you just capture photos of your view. Can you make abstract paintings?

*(not JUST the Far Crys)