If anything I’d say the show just has too much in common with Arrow.
Even if it was really good, it just wouldn’t feel original. Nothing about it seems to be a fresh take on anything.
It just seemed odd to me that you didn’t mention it. It seems more relevant since it was “gamers” going after people speaking about games, and this is a game blog, and JonTron comes from gaming/youtubing/etc., and so it seemed a little unbalanced to use an example of some other bigot in regard to this bigot. But my…
This is like people giving Jake Lloyd shit for why Phantom Menace was bad. Really, people, place the blame where it clearly belongs: on George Lucas.
Wait a minute—considering the stiff acting, maybe George Lucas secretly directed Mass Effect: Andromeda!
What about GamerGaters calling in bomb threats that cancel talks by Anita or Zoe or Brianna etc.? Why is it only now, when it’s hate mongers who are being shut up, that people are like “oh the free speech”?
A Staten Island...
It is true, because it’s my experience. I have yet to encounter any sentinels, other than ones that are aggressive by default, who will not disengage after going inside a building for a few seconds. If your wanted level is high *enough* that a walker has spawned (not just the little dog ones), or if you fly off planet…
What the game needs is conflict. Aside from 2 or three pirates deciding to attack you, and pissing off a sentinel, or landing on a planet with aggro-crabs, there’s no real conflict. Need a resource on a planet with angry sentinels? Just find another planet. Tick off a sentinel after picking up a albumen pearl? Run…
In some alternate timeline where Wildlands is a good game, it has a Shadow of Mordor nemesis system that dynamically fills power vacuums with unending opportunists and ganglords.
Okay, so after a LOT of digging, as far as I can tell, this is how it works: your home base will only give teleportation options back to stations provided you *haven’t* already teleported back to them. So, this is really confusing, but basically if you go to Space Station A, and teleport to your home base, your home…
I just jumped into the game and I can’t figure out how to select any space station other than the one that I’ve most recently been to. It just gives the option “Return to [name] station.” Can you describe how to do it?
How? When you go to the teleporter at your base, does it give you a list? I only recall seeing just the one space station name (the last one I’ve been to) show up each time.
I believe you can backtrack to all previous planets now, with the latest update. I haven’t tried it out, but if you look at your discovery list, selecting a planet you’ve been too now gives the option to chart it on the galatic map. So presumably you can now chart a path back to the very first planet you’ve been on.
The newest update added a feature where, if you go through the list of all the planets you’ve discovered, you can select it to chart a way back from wherever you are.
The previous update added teleportation between your home base and a single space station at a time, but that space station could be anywhere. So, you…
These are all just reject Millennium Falcon breads.
So there’s no prompt for building the next one? I didn’t think to scroll through it, since the technician just kept telling me I had to build the scanner.
And agreed about the home base limit. They should’ve tied Exocraft to freighters. Want to drive in a vehicle on your planet? Just call your freighter in above you,…
Nice to see another film keeping the Michael Bay “Miami” sign alive.
“like some agent told her to femme up her image ages ago”
I know her previous agent, and this is true.
So I played around with the new update and the additions are mostly fun. The first Exocraft, the roamer, is indeed pretty cool to drive around in. But it is limited to the planet you’ve declared your home base. If you want to drive it around on a different planet, you’ve got to establish a new home base. Also, I’m not…
I’m under the impression that what they showed was specifically a fortress attack, and there are a number of fortresses in the world that you have to have a strong army to be able to take over. I would think the rest of the game is more like the open world part of the original, and you go around mostly solo, building…