
I’d say Sleeping Dogs, but I don’t know which point it proves because 1) there have already been good movies of the same ilk (Internal Affairs for example), and 2) you’d need to know nothing about the game to enjoy the movie. And then there are games like the Kane & Lynch series, which are again basically crime

I’m pretty sure there was another non-LEGO thing with C-3PO hating the red arm, but I can’t remember what it was.

So which is more canon: the comic where C-3P0 keeps the red arm to honor a fallen friend, or the LEGO short where he hates that he’s stuck with the red arm and can’t wait to get rid of it?

Isn’t the new canon already causing conflicting stories where it’s sort of stuck with a “everything’s canon until something ‘more

And also with you.

I think what I was expecting more of from Fallout 4 was more subway systems. I was expecting lengthy crawls through vast subway systems like Fallout 3 had, but BETTER. Like Metro 2033 or something, with cities and communities. But most of the subways in Fallout 4 are tiny loops that just lead you back to where you

Dang. I thought it was called Intimate Warfare.

The problem with saying that first image is wrong is that you have to assume every single desk is lined up perfectly parallel to the desk next to it. If you tilt one desk slightly, it’s edges are not going to point directly to a single perspective point. You’d also have to assume the desks are actually rectangles with

This happens to me all the time. I’ll put down a game for a few months, come back to pick up where I was, and I can’t remember what any of the buttons do. And I *hate* games that don’t have a menu option to tell you the controls. I can’t remember what game it was, but there was some game where you can pull the pin of

He’s still just trying to get the diamonds Matt Damon tricked him out of in Ocean’s 13.

Like you expect him to prefer any position over missionary?

Or, more accurately, a story created by the founders of Chair who then hired Orson Scott Card to write a novel based on their premise for their game Empire. It just so happened that the original game got cancelled, and the novel came out anyway, with Shadow Complex finally tying back into the same story.

Just got this free on PC about a month ago. I really enjoyed it. The story is pretty hokey, but the gameplay was really solid. Perfect length for this kind of game, in my opinion. Didn’t go crazy overboard with collectibles and whatnot, and it wasn’t bogged down with too many weapons or upgrades. Good balance of

How much weight should the “director of the international business division”’s opinion hold in regard to this specific matter? His job is to make sure the Kodansha brand does well internationally. If the decision to make the lead character white was made to have the property appeal to Western audiences, is he going to

If she’s supposed to be a cop, a robot cop, made to look to blend in with the rest of society... shouldn’t she not stick out from the rest of society?

Not only that, but they picked someone to blame for the toning down of sexualized content in localized releases of games who, after all the digging is done, turns out to be in favor of the sexual content people were complaining was being edited out. Regardless of her position having no impact or influence of the

Do the games upscale or run at improved frame rates or anything? Aside from the convenience, I’m just wondering if there’s any noticeable difference from the games running on the old hardware.

LEGO previously did Toy Story sets. You can probably find a Woody minifig secondhand.

Computer, create an adversary capable of defeating Data.

Saying Zack Snyder likes to release movies in March kind of means nothing when his Man of Steel was released in June.

It’s not just that A movie is released in March, it’s that a SEQUEL is released in March. The first Matrix movie came out in March. The second film came out in May. When the first film came out, The