
A little late to the topic,

Now playing

I'd say it's part of a separate category of "Sudden Downpours". The '75 British GP would be another example of this:

DTM Zandvoort: (tape delay) 5PM (Eastern) Sunday, CBS Sports Network

ESPN is neither happy nor fun.

Full daily replays (Except for those in the UK), along with other videos are available on the Goodwood YouTube channel:

With live coverage on the website and youtube.

Bangor? He hardly knew her!

Atlantis putting in a bid for 2030. Organizers are making assurances that the fact that the country is underwater will not be a concern.

Made the same catch you did. Pretty sure the footage is from the Mass/Ickx #1. I believe the #19 is the blue car he's passing at about the :50 mark.

I assume it has something to do with the New Gawker Order:

SI did an article on this a few years back:

FIM Speedway World Cup Event 1 (Great Britain v. Australia v. USA v. Italy), Saturday 2PM Eastern:

"Pasty at the Bat"

Beacher's Madhouse, a Hollywood club that features burlesque shows, costumed little people, and all kinds of other weird shit.

As per NBCSN Twitter: Postponed Indy Car Toronto race #1 will be live on CNBC after the F1 race (10:30 AM ET, Sunday)

Better watch it with that. I've heard rumors that that fine gentleman is quite litigious.

Now is the time when we dance....