
Yes, I detect a clearly defined tip on the end of Florida there. Please note my righteous outrage, which I will report to the FCC (Federal Comment Commission).

It's funny. It's funny because it's ah, bigger than, know, a normal glove.

That's nothing. Tomorrow's game is against Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho.

...and half of that is taken up by Melrose's hair care products.

The ones Kruk used had BBQ sauce stains on them.

What that panel needs is less panel.

Maria Brazzerova.

It is. Next month it's becoming another FX channel, called FXX. They're moving "Always Sunny" and some of the other FX shows to it.

Is the team going to employ the "Love Gun" offense?

Also, team moving to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan....

Don't forget Wrasslin' and Strongest Man competitions...

So, you're saying that it must be some misunderstanding?

Well, Mariotti knows all about throwing it all away.

*Looks at pictures at top of article*

This is so dirty!

Obviously smarter than the average bear. Those dumpsters can hold a lot of pic-a-nic baskets.

It could be worse...

"It's Raining Men"?

Never sticks? Can't seem to stay employed?

Jesus. Reminds me of "Dick Neck"