

Have the set of those, including the All-Star set.

This. +infinity.

Bakker is the correct spelling.

Won't somebody please think of the "fuckin' kids over here"! at ~ :20

ESPN too big to fail?


One more night of the TT coverage on Velocity in the US (Saturday, 10 PM Eastern).

I guess that reading comprehension skills aren't a requirement at Wisconsin.

Now playing

Hey, anyone who can survive a crash like this should have a lifetime pass on being mocked.

Was any other NFL player arrested this week, or was it a natural hat-trick?

Oh Noooooo! Not the bees! BLARGLEGARBLEBLARGLE!

"...there is no problem that can't be solved with Ettish." ~ Seanbaby

This one gets the +1 for the Kent Brockman pic.

European Speedway GP from Poland, 1PM EDT Saturday. Streams should show up here about an hour before:

Attempting to piggyback off of the leadup to the Super Bowl.

So, we're replacing "Virgilbag" with "Papa in the bag"?

Initial reports that it was Bob Varsha, hallucinating after attending one too many Barrett-Jackson auctions, turned out to be untrue.

Needs more X's.